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"Ways to Save on Energy Bills" | Retirement.Radio Network Short
In recent years, appliance manufacturers have put more emphasis on creating products that useless water and energy than older appliances. These energy-efficient appliances can...

Social Security Forecast for 2024 and Beyond
On this week’s show, Ford and Sam share two quotes of the week before providing a travel update for Memorial Day Weekend. Plus, we...

"Is Now the Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?" | Retirement.Radio Network Short
In some cases, refinancing could be a good idea for people to save on their monthly payments… even in today’s high interest rate environment....

How to Delete Fees and Future Taxes from Your Retirement Plan
Ford and Sam share a wise quote of the week before detailing the latest market update including new information about rising interest rates and...

Proactive Steps You Should Be Taking for Your Retirement
On this week’s show, Ford and Sam go over some bad financial habits that could put your retirement at risk. Then, Ford details some...

How to Guarantee an Income Stream Throughout Retirement - Interview w/ Josh Lumme
Ford has a one-on-one conversation with Josh Lumme, Vice President of Annuity Sales and Marketing with Vertical Vision Financial. Josh helps explain why insurance...